Friday, August 19, 2011

Beautiful from head to toe with butter


Avocados are rich in vitamin E, A, D to beautify women. In particular, vitamin E in butter also work against oxidation, eager to slow the aging process, skin bright and smooth.

The mask smooths hair

Apply the avocado has been mashed up was to wet hair and massage for 5 minutes. Then incubated with a towel for 20 minutes and rinsed with warm water and shampoo.

Recovery Hair Mask

Mask butter and egg white hair incubated for 30 minutes will help revive dry hair and fibers. You can add a few drops of olive small to enhance the hair.

Beautiful from head to toe with butter, Beauty, skin care, skin care, summer skin care, skin care nhon, ebony skin care
Butter contains more vitamin E is good for the skin.


Mix half a ripe avocado with a little yogurt covered in 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water for best results.

Dry Skin Care

Mix butter and 1 teaspoon of honey up in the next 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. Should be done this way 2 times a week for beautiful skin.

Skin care is often

Mix butter and fresh milk within 10 minutes away from your face then relax, leaving in 30 minutes. When cleansing, you will see smooth skin.

Oily Skin Care

Mix butter with egg white and 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 times a week up on the skin helps reduce oily and smooth.

Sunburned skin treatment

Use a ripe avocado cover up dull skin with sun once a day until your skin becomes smooth and bright.

Beautiful from head to toe with butter, Beauty, skin care, skin care, summer skin care, skin care nhon, ebony skin care
You can use butter for treating skin sunburn.

Reduce eye bags

Cut butter into thin slices, cover your eyes and relax for 15 minutes will work to reduce eye bags and puffiness.


Mix butter, egg whites, oatmeal and 3-4 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon of rub and massage the body within 10 minutes to help remove dead cells, making skin soft, beautiful light.

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